Monday, April 11, 2011

Alter Der Ruine

While I have yet to listen to a complete album by the band, Arizona's own Alter Der Ruine have managed to impress me in my random youtube searches with their variety and energy. With their own brand of Noise/Industrial the trio can be found playing a variety of sounds that seem to encompass many genres and it is these brief moments of "oh did you hear that, that was totally some EBM!" that give the band the ability to amass an amusingly high fan base. Try out the link below, I'm fairly positive there's something here for everyone; my personal favorite is link 4 featuring material off of their newest album, "I Am Drugs" is an amazing track.

  1. Give the harsh track "K.I.A" off of their 2007 State of Ruin a listen.

  2. Give the more variety packed "Loud and Sassy" from 2009's Beating A Dead Horse a go.

  3. For free and legal download of Beating a Dead Horse simply go here.

  4. For a sneak peak at their new album with the track "I Am Drugs" go here.
    the above is also an amazing pod-cast, I highly recommend it.

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